Fitness Racing Calendar - Deadly Dozen
What is the Deadly Dozen?
The Deadly Dozen track race involves 12 x 400m runs, which they refer to as Journeys, and 12 x exercise stations, which they refer to as Labours. The Labours only use bodyweight (BW), kettlebell (KB), dumbbell (DB) and weight plate (WP) exercises. Therefore, race training is incredibly accessible in any setting, whether in a gym, at home or outdoors. Ultimately, an individual could effectively train for the event with just a pair of kettlebells.
The Deadly Dozen Labours:
- Farmers Carry - 240m (2 x 24kg/16kg dumbbell)
- Deadlift - 60 reps (32kg/24kg kettlebell)
- Lunge - 60m (2 x 12.5kg/7.5kg dumbbell)
- Snatch - 60 reps (15kg/9kg dumbbell)
- Burpee Broad Jump - 60m
- Goblet Squat - 60 reps (16kg/12kg kettlebell)
- Front carry - 240m (25kg/20kg weight plate)
- Push press - 60 reps (2 x 12.5kg/6kg dumbbell)
- Bear crawl - 120m
- Clean & Press - 60 reps (15kg/10kg weight plate)
- Overhead carry - 180m (15kg/10kg weight plate)
- Devil press - 20 reps (2 x 10kg/5kg dumbbell)
Athletes can compete in different divisions including Individual, Doubles, and Relay team categories. The event is suitable for both elite athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking for a challenging competition.
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